![Clases[1] Clases[1]](https://www.fileteado.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Clases1.jpg)
The Studio
Taller de fileteado porteño© (Fileteado Porteño Studio) was created by Alfredo Genovese en 1993, as a place of work, experimentation and teaching.
Genovese’s most renowned work has been produced in the workshop, which became a trademark in 2004. The Studio is located in a home that used to belong to Atilio Bardeggia, Alfredo Genovese’s great grandfather, who arrived from Italy to become a decorative painter.
The house belonged to Alfredo’s family and was recycled between 1998 and 2004, to become a comfortable workspace, and a reflection of the combination between modern and traditional.
The main activities in the Studio are: artworks productions on assignment, fileteado book editions through the Grupo Ediciones porteñas –Alfredo Genovese’s editorial group–, and fileteado workshops through classes and seminars in different levels.
There are different lessons in the Studio:
Visits to the studio
For schools and tourist groups, they are one hour long. They have a theoretical explanation and a technical class, with participation from the visitors. The visitors can also view the permanent exhibit within the workshop.
Intensive seminars
For starting level and 3 hours long. They have a theory module and the painting of a board with the traditional fileteado technique. They’re organized mainly for foreigner visitors, and dictated in English, Spanish, French and Italian.
Intensive workshops
For starting level and 8 hours long, divided in 2 classes (Saturday and Sunday). They have a theory module, a drawing class and the painting of a board with the traditional fileteado technique. The content is equivalent to that of a month course, ideal for people travelling from abroad or that cannot take longer classes. All the materials are included.
Regular four-months courses
For starting level and dictated also in the Ricardo Rojas Cultural Center, which was the first official institution that hosted these courses in 1997.
The Fileteado Porteño Studio is involved in several educational activities organized by companies through travel agencies and tourism, in Buenos Aires but also in other Argentinean provinces.
The Studio also participates with a stand in many argentinian and international events –such as the Argentina fair Madrid, in 2010- and in the XIV Tattoo International Convention in Barcelona, in 2011.
Also his individual exhibitions such “Vigencia” hosted at the Buenos Aires City Museum in 2016 and the recent solo exhibition in NY in 2021