ABC cweb

El ABC del Fileteado Porteño

Fileteado drawing, lettering and painting in a new book.
Spanish language. 142 pages 31 x 24 cm.

ISBN 978-987-22958-8-2
Price:  USD 39 / € 37

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Tratado de Fileteado Porteño

Spanish language . 144 pages. 24 x 30 cm.

ISNB 9789872295844 
Price: USD 62/ € 58

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Fileteado Porteño (2010)

Spanish and English language. 96 pages. Hard cover, 16 x 16 cm.

ISNB 9789872295851

Price: USD 22 / €20
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Manual del filete porteño (2011)

Spanish language. 120 pages. 22 x 17 cm.

ISNB  9789872295868
Price: USD 28 / €25
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The book of filete porteño (2011)

English language. 120 pages. 22 x 17 cm.

ISNB 9789872295875
Price: USD 30 / € 28
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– The images of the books do not represent actual size scales together –

Are you interested in the Fileteado Porteño books?

Where to buy books of fileteado porteño


Taller de Fileteado Porteño
– Direct sales and wholesale –
Almirante Segui 1465, Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
Phone:  (+54 11) 63607070


Sam Roberts
